APEC Food Safety To Improve Asia Pacific


With their recent meeting held in China, the Asia Pacific Economic Corporation have established new APEC food safety methods. By using a 1.5-millimetre centrifuge tubes, scientist would carefully prepare a mix that will help detect Salmonella. The scientists that learnt this new method is a part of APEC’s food safety project, where they train to be more innovative in the ways they detect Salmonella and other dangerous food pathogens.

In the developing parts of the world, food and waterborne pathogens are the ones that cause majority of illnesses and death. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 2.2. million deaths occur yearly from contaminated food and water, impacting children disproportionately.

Since the previous APEC meeting in 2007 held in China and Australia, there still has been an increase in global incidents of food contamination. Even though the previous meeting established the goal to improve the technical competence of food safety management and detection practices throughout the food supply chain, this clearly did not happen. 2014 itself has caused to be a scandalous year for food safety.

So APEC has come up with three different ways to improve food safety in the Asia Pacific.

  • Food safety from farm to table – combining their powers with Partnership Training Institute Network (PTIN), APEC plans to use industry and academic resources to improve food safety management and practices along the entire food supply chain—from the beginning with growers to the end with food service providers.
  • In-laboratory pilot training – government scientists are provided with specific training to test foods
  • Better testing, safer food – as a result of proper training, government scientists are also able to streamline their laboratory analysis process for food testing.

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