Children Food Safety Book Written By Teen

children food safety

There has been a push for children food safety – where the next generation takes more control in letting their peers know about the proper procedures to protect themselves from foodborne illnesses. 16 year old, Dana Dziadul, has done this by writing a free children’s book that tells safe food practices in fun ways. She became passionate about this issue after having fallen victim to a foodborne illness. When she was 3 years old, Dziadul became sick after consuming a contaminated rockmelon; her blood stream was infected by Salmonella Poona. It has affected her even now. She continues to stuggle physically and will develop arthritis but continues to count her blessings. In creating this book, she hopes children (like her seven year old sister) will not suffer the experience she had.

The book, Food Safety Superstar, teaches kids about washing hands, cleaning counters and table, keeping fresh and cold foods at the right temperature and making sure food is fully cooked. Dziadul illustrated the book three years ago but was only completed recently when schoolmate, 15 year old Emmi Lehto finished the drawings.

The Food and Drug Administration deputy commissioner and veterinary medicine, Michael Taylor was honoured to present the book at the release on the end of the week. He has known Dziadul for the past seven years and knows she is a great advocate for such a topic.

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