International Food Safety Released By WHO


Being the key source of humanitarian organisation run by the United Nations (UN), many will accept the international food safety pointers made by the World Health Organisation (WHO). From a report provided by WHO in November 2014, these were the most important points to take out.

  • A safe and nutritious diet promotes good health and is key to sustaining life
  • More than 200 diseases are caused by unsafe food that is contaminated by pathogens such as harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances. The reaction can range from diarrhoea to cancer
  • Food and water-borne illnesses are estimated to caused 2 million deaths a year, mostly children

How has WHO affected international food safety?

After noting these facts, WHO have begun thinking of global prevention, detection and response to public health threats associated with unsafe food.

  • Providing the proper scientific assessments on the hazards to form international food standards
  • Assessing the new technologies and whether they are safe
  • Helping improve national food systems around the world and to help create more efficient food safety systems
  • Promoting food disease prevention and awareness programs
  • Advocating food safety as an important component of health security and for integrating food safety into national policies and programmes in line with the International Health Regulations

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