Modern Food Safety Debates


At the most recent Produce Marketing Association’s Fresh Summit at Anaheim, California, the workshop session that discussed modern food safety was jammed pack. Filled with people who were concerned over the proposed changes to the Food Safety Modernisation Act, it was time for people to set their minds at ease.

With the deputy commissioner and director of food safety for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) present, both Mr Mike Taylor and Dr Samir Assar were able to discuss the four supplemental proposals. These four issues dealt specifically with produce safety, preventive controls for human food, foreign supplier verification programs and preventive controls for animal feed.

The pane present at the workshop also included Walter Ram, the vice president of food safety at The Giumarra Co., Courtney Parker, vice president of salad quality and global food safety of Fresh Express and Mike Villaneva, technical director for California Leafy Green Marketing Agreement.

As directed by the FDA’s important officials, any concerned attendees should submit their concerns or comments. The period for feedback has been extended to 15th of December 2014. With comments still flooding in, Mr Taylor promised that a final set of rules will be finalised by the end of 2015.

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