packaging food safety

Nano Materials Packaging Food Safety


Packaging food safety is under fire after a main food safety organisation excluded investigating nanomaterials in food packaging. The organisation, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), claims that it left out this factor because the risks are not well defined and a better procedure will be needed for it to be examined separately.

Emerging Technology Campaigner with Friends of the Earth, Jeremy Tager is very disappointed with FSANZ’s decision. As an area that is growing in the food industry, the exclusion of looking into food packaging and nanomaterials is a very bad idea. Since food packaging and its nanomaterials can migrate into the food being packaged, it is very important that the FSANZ should analysed. Especially since there are a significant amount of nanomaterials that are detrimental to one’s health when it is ingested or inhaled.

FSANZ stick to their stance that nanomaterials in food packaging are not well defined and may need to be examined separately. However, they have agreed to continue researching the topic to get a better understanding. The amount of nanomaterials to be found in packaging is to be small so maybe, there might be a slight overreaction over this issue.

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