preserved food

Preserved Foods; Keeping Them Safe


Many consider preserved food as something from the olden days. It is used to help people get through the winter – where food is barren and crops do not grow. Preserving food may now seem like a high-class option – sauerkraut or pickled quail eggs eaten at a restaurant but for a donation grower faced with excess produce rotting in the field it is a life saver.

Preserved foods provide a longer storage time and can even be beneficial for your health! But as we learnt yesterday bout produce (click here for the post) event he healthiest options can cause foodborne illnesses. As a result, there are many restrictions that limit how that food can be donated to pantries or open kitchens. Why? Because improper canning or fermenting can result in wasted food, food poisoning and even botulism.

The Proper Preserved Food Method

Proper preservation of food include is a very complex process. There are classes to teach the appropriate processes and the right jars and equipment need to be used to make the food properly. Some of the proper equipment can provide a reduced processing time and more accurate PH readings for better food safety. This makes it hard for donation growers to use all their excess produce. With such complicated processes, their produce go to waste before they can ever donate it!

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