synthetic food

Synthetic Food? The Dairy Trial


It has finally happened; companies are playing with the concept of synthetic food! And the first sector to fall victim to the outrageous notion of purely manufactured foods? The dairy sector.

2013 was the first time the world laid eyes on a test-tube grown beef burger patty and from then on, many more artificial foods have been trialled. One of the main companies investing in this new venture is KPMG’s Silicon Valley and their global head of agribusiness Ian Proudfoot claims that dairy products will be the first to face these new changes.

As a major dairy producer, Australia and New Zealand are understandably worried about this change. The demand for dairy products Australia and New Zealand stems from the demand of animal protein. Realistically, it is impossible to meet the demand for animal protein – synthetic and manufactured foods seem to be the only answer.

With the global convergence of the economy, meeting the global demand has never been more important. Each culture has their own dietary requirements and to meet all their various demands. If you find the right niche, manufactured food might just be your best friend.

As I write this, I am a bit sceptical as to see how this will work. Are equally as uncertain as I am? Or are you ready to take this new idea?

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