Video: Comprehensive Risk Evaluation

We all know how important a risk evaluation is. A well-planned assessment can help your business grow and a bad one can be the downfall. This weeks web seminar explores ways to help you understand the flaws of current methodologies in the industry and why a more comprehensive risk assessment might help different business. So get a pen ready to jot down notes on what NOT to do in risk evaluation!

A Summary: Comprehensive Risk Evaluation

This session reviews the impact of business risk evaluation on brand risk mitigation. Risk mitigation is not possible if a comprehensive understanding of the companies risk is not recognised. We will examine the abundant naivety within the industry. We will compare and contrast current practices supporting the need for a comprehensive evaluation. Discussion of recent devastating indents will be evaluated providing an insight on how the comprehensive evaluation could have prevented these brand disasters.

Do you think you will have to rethink your current risk evaluation? Do you need to change parts of it to make it more comprehensive?


This is part of the IFSQN webinar series on food safety