root cause analysis

Video: Root Cause Analysis, how science can help us with the investigations

It is important to conduct a root cause analysis in a food safety review. This will help us find the reason of why something went wrong. The web seminar this week looks at a more scientific approach. It will explore how science can help us identify any food safety problems we might have.

Quick Summary of Web Seminar, Root Cause Analysis, how science can help us with the investigations

It is commonly known that root-cause analysis can be done with tools like the 5 Whys or Cause-and-Effect Analysis. The advantage of using these tools is that we can organize the information found in the investigation more efficiently. But just identifying potential causes is not a guarantee of effective problem solving, because an improper selection of preventions for the causes may result in re-occurrence. The objective of this webinar is to review the application of scientific methods to effectively investigate and identify the causes of food safety problems as well as using science to properly select and manage control methods.


This is part of the IFSQN webinar series on food safety

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