There has a been a huge emphasis on eating local in the media recently. This is not only because it is healthier, but it is also better for the environment. So what does that look like? What steps can we take to help our local economy?
Eating Local! The Steps.
Get a better understanding of the foods that are grown and produced locally. But that is not the only thing – you also need to know when they are available.
Keep in the loop with when there are local farmer markets. You can also participate in community gardens, food co-operatives and community supported agriculture schemes. A thriving food culture, cultivated by tourism, can also help consumers eat locally, as seen in Tasmania.
If you have green fingers, grow your own vegetable and fruits in your garden! You can even raise your own chickens which can help you trade produce with your neighbours.
Check your food labels before buying! Find the new “Made In Australia” label on your food to support the produce of our country.
Choose less processed foods. Generally, the more processed a food is, the more energy and water it requires in the production process. Replace junk food with fresh fruit, nuts and vegetables.
Try food challenges that get you to eat in a more eco-friendly manner. One such scheme is the Eco-Friendly Food Challenge.
Cook fresh meals.
Ask your food retailers about the origin of the food you are buying. Locate fruit and vegetable retailers, butchers, delicatessens and fishmongers who sell food produced locally.
Limit your alcohol intake. You should purchase locally grown alcohol with the lowest food miles possible.
Download apps that will help you with all the information you need.
These are only a few basics steps to help you eat locally. There are many ways you can expand each of these points.
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