What is the new HACCP Aus law?

For many in the hospitality business, HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) is a very good procedure to take to combat bad safety habits in the workplace. So what is this new standard that has just been released by HACCP Australia?

The newest standard released by HACCP Australia is in regards to pest management. The new standard meets the best international practices both in development and in terms of the standard itself. It was developed by the in food technology within the company. The worked alongside a committee of members from manufacturers, retailers, auditors and pest management companies. 

Many are excited at the new standard. It provides precise expectations and both parties will be more satisfied with the results. Many years were used to develop this and a lot of hard work was used by many people. It will at last offer a real benefit to our industry and a reduction in food safety risk and non-conformances.

When does this HACCP standard begin?

The new standard is effective immediately for new applications in pest management services. For existing companies will be audited against the new standards throughout a transition period. To obtain a copy of the standards, click here.

Do you need to review the way you manage your pest in your hospitality business?

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