What Is The Change To Soft Drinks In Hospitals?

Vending machines containing soft drinks in hospitals around Australia was a common thing two years ago. But this is no more. Why?

The banning of soft drinks in hospital is an effort to tackle obesity and dental issues that can occur from them. After health experts say that drinks such as Coke and Pepsi have no nutritional value, just a lot of sugar.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported that in 2014-15, 63.4% Australian adults were overweight. This a huge increase compared to 1995 (it was 56.3%). About one in four children (27.4%) were also found to be overweight. With such staggering results, many in the health industry realised something had to be done.

Although there are many health experts that believe a sugar tax on sugary drinks is necessary, this is the first step to increase awareness. Health experts also think there should be tighter restrictions for junk food marketing. There should also be better public education about nutritional content on certain foods

Do you need to consider your current soft drink habit? Does your business need to take action too against the fight against carbonated drinks?

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