Round 1: International Food Safety Round Up

This is our first international food safety round up for 2017. How has the world been faring in the world of food safety? Read on!

More Than 3000 Children Hospitalised

Last Tuesday was a day that Egypt will remember for a long time. More than 3300 children were hospitalised after an outbreak of food poisoning occurred in several state-run primary schools. The mass poisoning occurred in the impoverished Upper Egypt in the province of Sohag.

Officials suspect that the school lunches were contaminated. Most children were under the age of 12 and began vomiting within an hour of eating the lunch. The lunch that consisted of processed cheese cubes, dry sesame paste bars and loaves of bread are all being analysed.

Contaminated Poultry Main Cause of Campylobacter in the UK

Results of a three-year research have come in. Around 80% of Campylobacter poisoning around the UK is caused by contaminated poultry. The study showed that around 75% of supermarket chickens has Campylobacter present. Furthermore, the push for reduced use of antibiotics in animal husbandry means that one defense has dropped. The sole process now that reduces bacterial growth is hygiene practice.

Food Poisoning Forces Nick Kyrgios Out

A few days ago, Aussie tennis player, Nick Kyrgios, is forced out of the quarterfinals at the BNP Paribas Open. He was set to verse Federer. As to what Kyrgios ate, we still do not have the answer to that one.

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