This is a tricky one – used properly, disposable gloves can be a valuable tool in preventing cross-contamination and for keeping cuts and scrapes away from food.

However, they are not a complete solution.

Improperly used disposable gloves can impart a false sense of security to the user, causing them to relax their handling techniques.

Disposable gloves are intended to be single use. Despite this, some keep the same pair of gloves on between tasks, or even while performing a number of tasks.

Perhaps worst of all – gloves prevent you washing your hands. Effective hand washing has been shown to be the most effective first defence against infection in hospitals. Improper hand washing contributes to approximately 1500 deaths per year in Australia alone.

So should you dispose of the disposables?

Don’t ditch the gloves just yet. Food Standards Australia recommends that you follow proper hand washing procedures, and remove gloves immediately after each task. When you start the next task, wear new gloves.

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