Category: Food Safety

Which Brand of Dried Apricots Are Recalled?

Australian dried apricots were recalled last night. South Australia Health announced the recall following two complaints.

Does someone have to die before a supermarket does a recall?

3 weeks ago we found this… Imagine our surprise when we found black spots and streaks through 5 ready-to-serve dishes we had in our fr...

Case Closed: Finding The Needle In Strawberry Punnet

The ‘needle in strawberry’ scandal hit many Australians hard around two months ago. Now, the culprit has been found.

The results of our Food Safety Quiz are sickening – literally

We have finished collating the first round of responses to our Food Safety Quiz and the results present a chilling picture of Australia&#821...

Food Recall: Fruits Sabotaged Around Australia

Last week, we reported that strawberries had needles appearing in them (read about it here). Now other fruits have had reports that needles...

Food Recall: Sewing Needles in Strawberries

An urgent food recall was made on strawberries sold in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. Unless you have been a social media blackou...

Top 5 Health Crazes Explained and How They Are Misused

Being health conscious is one of the biggest trends at the moment. It is a good trend at that! But with so many buzzwords being thrown aroun...

How Long Can You Leave Your Food Out In The Sun?

When you have a lot of food in the picnic, the sun will, no doubt, be out and beating on your food. Even though it is winter, the sun here d...

What Food Recall Has Reappeared After Two Months?

Food recall is something that should be taken seriously. But like most things, sometimes it can be taken lightly. And not heeding the warnin...

What Suburb in Sydney Is Rocked By Crazy Food Safety Scandals?

Sydney South has been faced by some crazy food safety scandals in the past half year. Hailing from this end of town, I was shocked to find t...