Salmonella Attacks Frozen Food

Many think frozen food is free from foodborne pathogens such as salmonella. How wrong they are! In the United States of America, 15 people have fallen victim to salmonella since April 2015.

Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control reported that 15 people from the states of Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma and Wisconsin have suffered from salmonella.

Many researchers circumspect that the cause of the salmonella is the consumer’s preparation method of preparing the frozen food. A survey found that when preparing frozen foods, adolescents are less likely than adults to wash their hands and are more susceptible to cross-contaminating raw foods while cooking.

With the growing need for instant satisfaction without culture, there has been a rise of convenient meal solutions. Just check out the frozen meal section/aisle at your local supermarket! Researchers found a need to understand how both adults and adolescents are preparing these products and what can be done to enhance the safety of frozen foods.

Now that you have this in mind, do you need to be more careful with your handling of frozen food? Do you need to take the simple act of washing your hands in between preparation?

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