Cold Chain Food Safety Revolution

cold chain food safety

Cold chain food safety is the new method to help regulate produce. With many consumers demanding the freshest ingredients from farmers and producers, the farmers and producers find it more difficult to meet these requests. In attempts to meet these expectations, there has been an emphasis on temperature monitoring during the transportation, storage and display parts of the food production process.

In a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they found that one in six Americans become ill from consuming contaminated food or drinks in a year. There are more than 250 foodborne illnesses that can cause discomfort to a victim and its worst, can cause death. Foodborne illnesses also cause a bad ‘rep’ for businesses. If a business is associated with a food scandal, it can lead to lead to negative reviews, lost business, employee turnover, health code violations and fines.

In order to prevent any of these foodborne illnesses, the temperature of the place keeping the food is vital. One way to prevent food safety and quality issues is by monitoring the cold chain to pinpoint areas where temperature performance is creating unsafe conditions. Many producers now use log tags to help check the temperature of their products. These tags are started with the push of a button and leverage radio-frequency identification so that they can be read wirelessly. Data is gathered at each decision point and sent to the cloud automatically so that results can be viewed online. If you are looking to buy some for your business, click here.

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