Pregnancy Food Safety: What Foods To Avoid


With an extra mouth to feed in your tum, pregnancy food safety should be something all mums should consider. With so many random tips whispered into mother’s ears, what are fact and what are fiction?

Research shows that expectant mothers should consume a variety of foods and need more of them to maintain a good amount of nutrients. Foods that contain protein, folate, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, and fibre are highly recommended. The following is an example of some foods that are great sources for these nutrients;

  • Protein: lean meat, chicken, dairy products and nuts
  • Folate: breakfast cereal, leafy greens, eggs, oranges
  • Calcium: leafy greens, nuts, seeds, canned fished with bones
  • Iron: fortified cereals, egg yolks
  • Zinc: meat, tofu, miso, wheat germ
  • Iodine: canned salmon or tuna, oysters
  • Fibre: wholegrain bread, oats, fruit with skin on

The national dietary guidelines also recommend pregnant woman to consume five servings of vegetables and legumes a day. Furthermore, a moderate intake of protein also allows women to consume the best range of foods across the health core groups set by the Australian Guide To Healthy Eating.

In order to combat morning sickness (nausea and vomiting), it is recommended that pregnant women limit their exposure to food odours during pregnancy. It hits worst at the presence of hunger, so avoid an empty stomach. Consume odourless products like fruit, nuts, sandwiches or yoghurt. Very cold drinks also help reduce nausea and keep you hydrated. Ginger tablets might relieve the effects of nausea.

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