REVISED: China Food Safety Laws


Ever since the baby milk scandal some years back, China food safety has been the focus of many scandals. But times have changed; with the revision of the Food Safety Law (FSL) in China, it will hopefully avoid many more horrible tales.

On the 2nd of April, 2015, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPC) passed significant revisions to the FSL that have the potential to materially strengthen regulation of food companies in China. Some of the biggest changes made to the FSL affect;

  • shipping and storage of food
  • health food products (streamlining the regulations)
  • infant formula (developing more requirements)
  • the production line (covering more of the process)

The aim for the Chinese government is to but the revised FSL in effect around the 1st of October 2015. Many believe that the revisions will lead to more changes to food regulations and a deepening of the reforms. Stakeholders should be ready for new proposed rules coming from the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), the National Health and Family Planning Commission and other agencies with jurisdiction over food safety in China.

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