Science has been advancing in a dramatic rate in the past half-century and food safety is one of the many parts of our lives that have benefited by our increased knowledge in science. From understanding how different foods affect our bodies to how best to preserve food, science has helped the food industry a long way. This week’s web seminar will explore how scientific principles discovered over the years can help you in the food industry.
A Summary: Teaching Techniques to Embed Scientific Principles and Food Safety
To deliver the best and most employable Food Science graduates at Nottingham University we have developed a number of teaching techniques over recent years to embed scientific principles into life-like and relevant contexts aimed to help the students to envisage the challenges they may face in their future career in the food industry. By recently including PBL teaching into external business workshops it has become apparent that employees in the food sectors could also get real benefit from being trained in specific food safety topics using this type of training. Ideas and approaches for use by food manufacturing companies are suggested.
This is part of the IFSQN webinar series on food safety