Video: Assessing suppliers through routine and non-routine audits

Assessing suppliers is a very important part of running a food business. To ensure the best foods arrives at your door, you must ensure that the product delivered meets the guidelines you require. You do not want bad food coming to your door – or serving that to your customers! There are many ways of keeping check of your produce and one of these processes is auditing. This week’s web seminar dives into this topic a little more and how a routine or non-routine audit will work in these scenarios.

A Quick Summary of Web Seminar: Assessing suppliers through routine and non-routine audits

Most companies have produced guidelines and specific codes of practice which detail the management control system that they expect to find in their suppliers of branded goods. They also define the conditions of the structure and equipment that is necessary to comply with legal requirements and ensure product safety consistently. Auditing is simply a check according to defined criteria to ensure that the supplier is complying with codes and guidelines. Audit is usually designed to provide the company with a due diligence defence. This webinar will show you simple steps on how to assess your supplier through two types of audits – routine one and non-routine.


This is part of the IFSQN webinar series on food safety