Author: Food & Safety Admin

10 foods to avoid while pregnant … and why

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Pregnancy hormones can lower a woman’s immune system to the point that infections and diseases that she would normally fight off can have...

Video: Demonstrating Food Safety Culture & Audit Requirements

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It is really important that a food safety audit is passed for a food business. Of any sort. One way to improve this is to create a stronger...

Video: Reducing Waste & Improving Efficiencies In Product Inspection

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Waste is something that has become a forefront issue for many industries. For the food industry, what does reducing the rubbish in your food...

How Goes the Hepatitis A Issue In The United States?

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There has been a very severe case of hepatitis A infection spread around the United States. It has now been confirmed that almost 150 people...

How Are Pesticides Affecting Wild Bees?

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Pesticides are a common thing in a lot farms nowadays. It protects the harvest from pests from infecting the crops and also ensures good-loo...

Protecting your customers from listeria

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The news today is reporting a story about two people who have died from listeria infection. Ten people in total have been affected by this o...

What Popular Fruit Is Causing A Food Poisoning Outbreak?

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A food poisoning outbreak has occurred around Australia. What fruit is involved with this food safety scandal? How severe is the case? And w...

Australia and New Zealand Genetically Modified Food

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Genetically modified food has been highly contested subject for a while. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is asking the public f...

What Chocolate Has Recently been Recalled In Australia?

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For many people, chocolate is important. It is a stress reliever and just a delicious snack. With Valentine’s Day having just passed, the...

Video: Think Outside the Box for HACCP Success

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We have been talking a lot about HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) in recent weeks. HACCP is a system that helps system that i...