Author: Food & Safety Admin

Steps To A Genetically Modified Free World!

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Vermont in the United States has won against a change in the genetically modified debate. The locals fought against the Grocery Manufacturer...

Video: Integrated Crisis Management Planning

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As previously discussed in last week’s web seminar (check it out here: Video – Food Safety Trainings – Emergency Response)...

Global Food Safety Forum 2015

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  June 13th – 14th 2015, marks the commencement of the third Global Food Safety Forum. Being held in Beijing this year, the forum wil...

REVISED: China Food Safety Laws

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  Ever since the baby milk scandal some years back, China food safety has been the focus of many scandals. But times have changed; with...

A Global Food Safety Incentive

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  With the rise of technology has meant that the world is a lot more connected than it was twenty years ago and international food safe...

Dangers Of Chemicals In Food Packaging

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  Something that has been becoming more and more of a concern in Australia is food packaging. From branding and information that is pri...

Video – Food Safety Trainings – Emergency Response

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  For those that run a business, does your company have food safety training? Are they sufficient in providing your crew with the right...

Defining Natural Foods

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  The newest hype in the food industry is natural foods. Just look at the supermarket shelves; there is ‘natural’ this and ‘all-n...

Baltimore; Not Just Riots This Week

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We might not hear much of it in our Australian news, Baltimore has been in the talk of the United States news. Since Monday, riots have brok...

Aspartame: The New Food To Avoid

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  Many people believe that aspartame (the artificial sweetener in food and drinks, like Diet Coke) can cause cancer, Parkinson’s di...