Author: Food & Safety Admin

Wal-Mart Tightens Food Safety Rules In China.

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Some may not know, but famous supermarket American company Wal-Mart is expanding their efforts overseas and since having stores in China, Wa...

Food Safety System In EU is 35 Years Old.

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The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) in Europe ensures that food produced meet some of the highest food safety standards in the...

Food Safety At Home.

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Although it is important that the government plays an important role in regulating food safety around the food industry, the best way for in...

Food Safety Publicity Around The World.

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Food safety is something that is growing on everybody’s radar and for many countries, respective health departments want the public to...

Future of Food Safety, Robots?

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As the world moves forward in technology, the same is happening in food safety. Most of us grew up with science fiction movies, like Blade R...

Intense Hand Washing; When Is It Too Much?

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We know that hand washing is a good practice to have. Whether it is to have clean hands for eating food or to prevent the spread of diseases...

Food Safety Roundup 11th July 2014

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Food Safety In Australia Coco Roco’s last moment of glory It’s off topic but in the media. The owners of the long since closed C...

Food Safety Regulations Discussed Amongst Processors

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With the new food safety regulations around the United States, the future looks bright for safe food production in food businesses. However,...

Food Safety Roundup 10th June 2014

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Food safety in Australia It is always good to get to the end of a long weekend and not have food poisoning the lead story in the news. Given...

Moisture: Food Safety Enemy

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There are many scenarios that creates condensation around our food and that is the moisture that creates problems for food safety. This wate...