Bridging the Gap Between
Awareness and Action

Gloves, cloth and food poisoning – the video

In a recent post I discussed a scenario in which poor use of gloves and a cloth could lead to food poisoning. Prior to that I discussed excuses made for bad practices. This footage was the basis of my series of posts.

If we are so bad, why haven’t people been sick?

One common defence for bad food safety is “no-one has ever had food poisoning here”. Case in point was the use of gloves and a cloth. Let’s explore this a bit more and work out how bad you have to be before you do give them food poisoning.

If we are so bad, why haven’t people been sick?

One common defence for bad food safety is “no-one has ever had food poisoning here”. Case in point was the use of gloves and a cloth. Let’s explore this a bit more and work out how bad you have to be before you do give them food poisoning.

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Top 10 Food Safety Excuses

Today I watched some shocking hand hygiene and glove use in a local café. When I discussed it with the business owner, I was amazed at how many of the standard food safety excuses came up. I could almost number them off.

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