Author: Food & Safety Admin

Defining A Farm

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With the new Food Safety Modernisation Act established by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it seems like a farm...

Video: Food Safety from Store to Belly

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  There is only so much a producer can do in terms of food safety. The process of simply opening packaged food and placing the contents...

Who You Gonna Call? Fruit Fly Busters

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  On Tuesday, the 20th of October 2015, a National Fruit Fly Council was announced its establishment. Its job? To help fight the war be...

Salmonella Attacks Frozen Food

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Many think frozen food is free from foodborne pathogens such as salmonella. How wrong they are! In the United States of America, 15 people h...

Video: Food Labeling Regulations

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  When some of us think of food labelling, we feel confused…much like the confusion depicted in the picture featured in today&#82...

Hand Washing: A Quick Guide

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If you have been following this blog for a while, you know that we are big on hand washing. It is an easy but essential action to take in fo...

Food Safety Week 2015

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  Today marks the second last day to Australia’s 2015 Food Safety Week. The theme this year was ‘Did you know? (busting the foo...

Video: TACCP Principles in Managing Food Safety

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If you struggle with food safety in your food business or just want to understand how you can better control contamination in your work kitc...

Support Pork Quality Assurance!

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Australia has been renowned for our high food safety standards and our pork quality is of the world’s highest calibre. At the closing...

Welcome To Good Food Month

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  For many Sydney residents, October is a good time for their palate but a bad time for their stomachs; it is Good Food Month. Starting...