Tag: Food Safety Australia New Zealand

Which Brand of Dried Apricots Are Recalled?

Australian dried apricots were recalled last night. South Australia Health announced the recall following two complaints.

Top 3 Reasons Why Food Recall Happens

In the past few months, Australia has had a handful of food recall announcements made. The Food Safety Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) mos...

Do You Know The Latest Food Recall In Australia?

Tis the season for food recall down under! Another food recall was announced last Friday by the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FS...

Do You Know The Latest Frozen Vegetable Recall?

There has been a recent frozen vegetable scandal. The Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) issues a recall on Monday for superma...

Australia and New Zealand Genetically Modified Food

Genetically modified food has been highly contested subject for a while. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is asking the public f...

What Is The Link Between Allergies And Pre-Packaged Food?

Allergies are a very common reason for people to get sick around Australia. From a recent research, there seems to be a link between pre-pac...

Are Hemp Seeds Now Approved in Australia?

Hemp seeds legalisation is an argument that has been debated heavily in Australia for a while now. But yesterday, the game has changed forev...

Palm Oil…Officially Dangerous?

A new proposal may lead consumers to think palm oil is toxic. Why? A new food labelling law is being discussed in which companies are forced...

“Do We Fridge Our Eggs” Squabble

  Eggs, we normally keep them in the fridge, in the cute little trays on the door. Yet only some stores sell them in a fridge… so...

GM Salmon – The Debate Begins Again

Recently, the United States of America gave the green light for the sale of genetically modified salmon. This is a big step for the genetica...