Author: Food & Safety Admin

Five Gruesome Food-Borne Illnesses Straight Out Of A Horror Movie

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We all know about the dangers of Salmonella or Listeria – but don’t let familiarity breed complacence – you’re much more likely...

Misconception 1: The sniff test works

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As foods age, bacteria start to multiply rapidly – especially in warm environments. Some of these bacteria release ‘off’ smells – ga...

Video: The Fundamental Principle of Food Safety – Understanding the link between Hazard, Risk and Control

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Food safety is of absolute importance in the food business world. Whether you tending the fields, packing the produce, selling the product o...

What Is The New Food Allergy That Has Recently Changed The Food Standards Code?

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Food allergy is something that people are becoming more aware about. And it seems like there are just more and more items being added to the...

Is Food Health A Priority For Australian Fast Food Chains?

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For many consumers, food health has become something that has become more and more important. How many grams of sugar is in this item? What...

Video: Pitfalls of Accounting for Intentional Adulteration in Your Food Safety Plan

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A food safety plan is important in any food business. The Food Safety Modernization Act in America now enforces companies to make plans to p...

What Suburb in Sydney Is Rocked By Crazy Food Safety Scandals?

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Sydney South has been faced by some crazy food safety scandals in the past half year. Hailing from this end of town, I was shocked to find t...

Round 2: International Food Safety Round Up 2018

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It has been a while since our last International Food Safety Round Up… almost four months to be exact! Check out what countries around the...

The frightening long-term effects of food poisoning

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If you think that a bout of food poisoning is just a bit of vomiting and diarrhoea, then you may be in for a bit of a shock. Studies are now...

Video: Product Development – How Product Developers affect Food Safety

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Product development is a huge part in advancing your business. But when you introduce or modify products, it is important to make sure the e...