Author: Food & Safety Admin

The Truth Of Australian Seafood

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  Seafood is a staple for many Australians. It is what we have at cocktail parties and at social gatherings. But is the seafood we are...

Video: Foodservice operators urged to end guide dog discrimination

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  A guide dog is super cute when we see one passing by us on the street. They’re so placid and obedient! But at a restaurant, peo...

Australian Soft Drink Tax In Question

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Australia has been in discussion to impose a soft drink tax. It has been almost half a year since the issue was first raised. At first, many...

The Main Villain: Salad Bag

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The mark of convenience: salad bags have revolutionised the way people get ready for gatherings. Just get a pre-washed salad bag and you are...

Video: Heaven in a half shell – how to handle your oysters

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Many people love eating oysters; they are considered a great delicacy. But we all know that from a food safety perspective, they are quite d...

Australia and China Trade Review

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  Australia and China have had an on/off relationship in terms of food trade for a while. At times, China fully welcomes our products i...

Video: InControl Cuff First Gloves

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Many food businesses use gloves to help keep the food safe from human contamination. But sometimes, human skin is not the main problem. The...

Food Waste On Rise

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  With ‘foodie’ culture on the rise, food waste has also gone higher than ever! Long ago, the long distance food travelled...

Safely Eat Raw Eggs

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  We all know raw eggs are a dangerous thing to consume. They do not only appear as is – they are important favourite condiments. May...

Video: How to manage restaurant reviews

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  Restaurant reviews are a lot more easier to come by with the ease of social media. From using reviews on TripAdvisor or posting the p...