Author: Food & Safety Admin

The Oregano Counterfeit

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Many Australians use oregano in their cooking. So many of us who can not buy the fresh product or will put it to waste eventually, would pre...

The Obesity Factor

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It has become an undeniable truth – obesity is a huge issue that is affecting the world. There are many factors that have caused this. The...

Video: Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000) recent developments

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  For those in the food industry, abiding various food safety certificates can be a make or break their business. The Food Safety Syst...

Video: Most common non-conformances on GFSI benchmarked audits and how to avoid them

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  There are many good things about the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) but many of their rules get missed by many manufacturers. T...

Pet Food ‘Cat’astrophe

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Pet food is something that many people do not think about – especially if they do not have any household pets at home. But it seems that r...

Video: How ISO 9001:2015 can improve your food safety management

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  With a new food safety management coming in place soon, the web seminar looks into how the updated version, the ISO 9001:2015 is dif...

2016 Australia: Food Safety Round Up 1

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The first of an Australian only food safety round up report! Here are some of the latest news to hit the Australia food safety shores.

GMO Crops In America

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As many knows, GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) has been a topic for hot debate in recent years. Recently, Australia saw Hungry Jacks ta...

Video: Compressor Contamination and How It Occurs

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  One of the main ways that contamination can occur in our food is during the preparation process. For many food manufacturers, the eas...

The Raw Milk Karma

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As many of you may know, the raw milk debate has been on the table for a rather long time. The issue is whether we should allow raw milk to...