Author: Food & Safety Admin

Golden Circle Juice Under Hindu Scrutiny

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    This slightly unprecedented Juice food safety scandal has rocked Australian’s Hindu population. Why? Because it was revealed...

It’s A New Year, Keep Healthy

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  With all the festivities of Christmas and the New Year well and truly over, it is time to start those healthy habits again. The holid...

Top Five Australia Food Safety Stories

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  With 2014 drawing to a close, here are our selected top Australia food safety stories of the year. They are placed in no particular o...

Festive Cheer Goes Wrong At Christmas Party

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  Last week, all people would talk about is the inevitable Christmas party. The presents, the beer and most importantly the food. But f...

Victoria Steps Into Strict Raw Milk Bans

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Holiday Food Safety, Picnic Style

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  With Christmas and the celebrations of the New Year around the corner, now is a good time to consider holiday food safety. Many like...

Australian Fish Spreads Toxins

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  Unbeknownst to some RSL Club workers at Evans Head in northern New South Wales (NSW), by consuming their lunch of Spanish mackerel th...

Poisoned Food No Longer A Fairy-Tale

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  Deliberately poisoned food seems like a thing of fairy tales. Snow White’s poisoned apples is a trademark example. But recently in...

Coffee wisdom from Meat and Wine Co.

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The best coffee I’ve had since… One of the great things I like about my job is the places and restaurants that it takes me to. T...

Weapon Against Obesity: Plain Food Packaging

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  Is plain food packaging going to help the obesity crisis in Australia? The government sure thinks so. With one in four Australian&#82...