Author: Food & Safety Admin

The U.S. Ice Cream Scare

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  Since last Thursday, the United States have been on high alert over an ice cream food poisoning scandal. Now, five US ice cream compa...

Video – Food Fraud: An Australian Perspective

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Australia has been challenged with food fraud for a while. Many of our international competitors would twist the details of the Australia Ma...

Portioning Healthy Eating

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Healthy eating has become a major trend in society nowadays – with celebrities campaigning for healthier lifestyles and a healthier way of...

‘Smashing’ The Stress Over Pesticides

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  As we most of us know, China has not had the cleanest track record for food safety and their newest pesticides scandal comes as littl...

Baltimore; Not Just Riots This Week

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  We might not hear much of it in our Australian news, Baltimore has been in the talk of the United States news. Since Monday, riots ha...

Kellogg’s Health Rating Is Released!

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  There has been a push in Australia for companies to take up the concept of Health Ratings on their packaging. Yesterday, Kellogg&#821...

True Blue Aussie Barbie Globalised in Labeling

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  Following yesterday’s web seminar on food labeling, today we address the issue of labels in products within our sunburnt country. A...

Video: How to Implement a Successful Vision Inspection Program to Prevent Labeling Defects

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Food labeling has been cause of many food safety scandals in the past few years. Issues like the AUSTRALIAN MADE have become not only a nati...

UPDATE: Frozen Berries Are Innocent!

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True Aussie Produce Movement In Asia

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  Australian produce has a very large market overseas. Recently, a national brand was made to help identify all Australian agricultural...