Author: Food & Safety Admin

Australia Grocery Food Safety: Statistics Tell All

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  Grocery food safety does not have to always be seen in the contents of the product, we can also look at food safety through the lens...

International Food Safety Released By WHO

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  Being the key source of humanitarian organisation run by the United Nations (UN), many will accept the international food safety poin...

Poultry Food Safety Certificates Are High In Demand

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  Poultry food safety is something that can be overlooked by people. But now, there has been a cry by Australians for Certificate III i...

Poultry Food Safety Certificates Are High In Demand

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  Poultry food safety is something that can be overlooked by people. But now, there has been a cry by Australians for Certificate III i...

G20 Food Safety: What Are They Eating?

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  With one of the biggest political event finished down under, did the politicians considering G20 food safety? Looking at what they we...

Delay in Labeling Food Safety for Meat

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  The biggest step for labeling food safety might be delayed for another four years – in 2018. What was this biggest step the food sa...

Food Safety and the Tasmanian Deal With China

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  The credibility of Tasmanian food safety has promoted its export of wine and fresh seafood. Today, Prime Minster of Australia Tony Ab...

Food Additives Safety: What Not To Use

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  The Environmental Working Group (EWG) completed a study recently and in order to promote food additives safety, they listed a dozen...

Modern Food Safety Moves To Phone App

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  America is moving into the modern food safety universe with a new phone app! The app is designed for the users to track the ratings t...

Supermarket Food Safety: Wal-Mart Focuses On China

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  After the scandal a few months before, American chain Wal-Mart are seeking to strengthen their supermarket food safety standards in C...