Author: Food & Safety Admin

Food Safety NOW!

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  In the past year, there have been many food safety scandals around the world. From the frozen berries that carried Hepatitis A (click...

Canola Oil Talks

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The Western Australian government has been discussing the production of canola oil recently. Specifically, talking about the way it is produ...

Video: Comprehensive Risk Evaluation

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We all know how important a risk evaluation is. A well-planned assessment can help your business grow and a bad one can be the downfall. Thi...

Trans-Fat Ban, Australia Says Yes

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  Trans-fat has been playing a big topic for discussion in many countries governments. The United States recently announced that they w...

Don’t Be Scared, They’re Only Legumes

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  Food fads come in and out of the media spotlight, and right now legumes are under fire! Why? Because people are scared of eating this...

No More Maggi Noodles Imported

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  Last week, we reported the trail that Maggi Noodles were facing in India after the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSA...

Fakes Ruin Australian Food Reputation

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  Last week, we mentioned how Australian food is in the work of redesigning their food labels (click here to read all about it) and it...

Video: Organic vs. Non-Organic: What’s the Difference?

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Organic foods are one of the biggest fads right now in the food industry. But for many people, it is a term to make produce more expensive....

Maggi Noodles Face Courts In India

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  Today, the Bombay High Court in India will listen to Nestle’s case against Maggi Noodles. The Food Safety and Standards Authori...

Make It Simple: Aussie Food Labelling System

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As mentioned in many of our previous posts (click here to look at the last one we did on the topic), the current food labelling system in Au...